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Сто октябрей Cien octubres One Hundred Octobers


Preguntas, respuestas e hipótesis en el centenario de la Revolución de Octubre. Voces y perspectivas de todas partes del mundo. Reportajes, artículos, ensayos, entrevistas, entradas de blog, intervenciones, mesas redondas, ponencias, reseñas, fotografías, carteles, ilustraciones, podcasts, videos, listas de lecturas. Dossier multilingüe y multimedia de homenaje, recuento y reflexión de Patrias. Actos y Letras / Questions, answers, and hypotheses on the occasion of the centenary of the Bolshevik Revolution. News items, articles, essays, interviews, blog posts, interventions, round tables,  talks, book reviews, photos, posters, illustrations, podcasts, videos, reading lists. Gathering voices and perspectives from around the world to pay homage, remember, reflect. A multilingual and multimedia dossier by Patrias. Actos y Letras.

El título de algunos de los trabajos incluidos en este dossier ha sido modificado por el Consejo Editorial de Patrias. Actos y Letras con el fin exclusivo de señalar a la atención o realzar el tema o la tesis de fondo o algún aspecto o idea particular. Cada enlace refiere directamente al texto, o cualquier otro tipo de material, en su forma íntegra original y al medio y la(s) lengua(s) en que fue originalmente publicado o de que se ha tomado y reproducido. 

Marina Aleksandrova/Марина Александрова Убийство смысла на Красной площади

Tariq Ali The Communist Manifesto: An Introduction

Tariq Ali The Dilemmas of Lenin: Terrorism, War, Empire, Love, Revolution (An excerpt)

Tariq Ali What Was Lenin Thinking?

Tariq Ali with Suzi Weissman Lenin's Legacy: on The Dilemmas of Lenin

Helmut Altrichter with Daria Bryantseva/Хельмут Альтрихтер Ленин: каким он был

Korine Amacher Au nom du peuple ou avec le peuple ?

Korine Amacher Fêter une révolution sans donner des idées, or cool about revolutionary ardour (FR/EN)

Samir Amin 1917-2017: A century of revolutions and counterrevolutions
Samir Amin From Marx to Marx: Reading Das Kapital, reading historical capitalisms
Neal Ascherson Big Man Walking: William Taubman's Gorbachev
Neal Ascherson Love and Revolution
Neal Ascherson 1989. The Year of Missed Chances and Impossible Deals

Éric Aunoble La lame de fond de la contestation sociale

Sarah Badcock 1917: The Peasants Revolutions

Alain Badiou An unprecedented event in the history of the human species (FR/EN)

Alain Badiou The Communist Hypothesis

Étienne Balibar Pour une lecture symptomale de la pensée de Marx sur le parti

Tom Balmforth Russia's Communists Mark Centenary Of Bolshevik Revolution, Kremlin Plays It Down

Colin Barker A critique of Nicos Poulantzas

Pavel Barša How To Kill a Dream: Our Life after 1989 in the Limbo of the End of History

Gregor Baszak on Philip Cunliffe's Lenin Lives! Reimagining the Russian Revolution 1917-2017

John Bellamy Foster Revolution and counterrevolution, or on the need to begin again from the beginning

Alvaro Bianchi O marxismo no Brasil contemporâneo: uma agenda de pesquisa

Alvaro Bianchi/Daniela Mussi on what a young Gramsci thought of the Russian Revolution

Pham Binh Occupy the Russian Revolution

Eric Blanc A Guide to the February 2017 Russian Revolution

Svetlana Boym on being homesick and being sick of being at home, all at the same time

Peter Bradshaw Hallucinating history: when Stalin and Eisenstein reinvented a revolution (EN/SP)

Craig Brandist avec Selim Nadi Le bolchévisme a aussi été une politique culturelle

Michael Brie Die Lehren von 1917 und 1989 dürfen nicht vergessen werden!

Michael Brie The Tragedy of Party Communism

David Broder Eastern light on Western Marxism: on Domenico Losurdo’s Il marxismo occidentale

Sebastian Budgen Repolitiser la révolution: cent ans de lectures

Ronan Burtenshaw Fascism's Face-Lift

Kaye Cain-Nielsen Rosa's Mail

Alex Callinicos The orphaned revolution: the meaning of October 1917

Antonio Carioti con Andrea Graziosi La rivoluzione di Lenin non è finita

Amos Chaple y Matt Fidler Russian revolutions in images: what has changed, what has endured

Esme Choonara China Miéville and the unfinished revolution

Todd Chretien How Does Theory Guide Practice? A Response to Salar Mohandesi on State and Revolution

Keti Chukhrov On the socialist past and the future of socialism

Émile Copfermann Théâtre et révolution

Kevin Corr Lenin’s April Theses and the Russian Revolution

Corriere de la Sera 1917 Ottobre Rosso

Counterfire Revolution. Russia 1917. One Hundred Years On (A Conference)

Kenny Coyle The Spectre Haunting Western Media

Orlando Cruz Capote 1917-1930: marxismos y marxistas en la Rusia soviética (primera y segunda partes)

Sobhanlal Datta Gupta The Russian Revolution, the Third International and the Colonial Question

Mary Davis The women who helped lead the Russian Revolution

Mijail Demurin/Михаил Демурин Октябрьская революция и отношение к ней как диагноз

Frank Deppe Socialism in the 21st Century – More Than a Utopia?

John D. French y Alexandre Fortes October 1917 in the Trajectory of a Brazilian Metalworker of African Descent

Pietro di Nardo The Empire does not exist: Imperialism does. A critique of Antonio Negri's Empire

Duke University Press Readings on the 100th anniversary of the Russian Revolution

DW Революция и молодежь в России: сто лет спустя

Youssef El-Gingihy Something is coming: the inevitability of transformation

Caryl Emerson The Revolutionary Specters of Russian Letters

Christian Esch Russia's Unloved Anniversary (EN/GE)

Samuel Farber One Hundred Years of the Russian Revolution: A Retrospective View (EN/SP)

Henry Farrell Revolutionary Possibility: on China Miéville's October

Àngel Ferrero Lenin reset, o de la impaciencia, tan demorona, de Juan Carlos Monedero

Alexandr Fishman/Александр Фишман Что писали газеты в октябре 1917

Sheila Fitzpatrick What's Left: The Present as Historian

Josep Fontana El siglo del miedo a la Revolución rusa

Josep Fontana La revolución rusa y nosotros

Nicolas Fornet Priorité à l'éducation des masses

Daniel Gaido July 1917: Avoiding the Commune's fate

Alan Gibson On Neil Faulkner's A People's History of the Russian Revolution

Adolfo Gilly Destinos de la revolución de Octubre (

Samuel Goff Why documentary cinema owes everything to Soviet filmmakers

Gabriel Gorodetsky Diplomatie, de l'idéologie au réalisme, or on how Soviet ideals met reality (FR/EN)

G. M. Goshgarian avec Félix Boggio Éwanjé-Épée Opter pour la révolution, et lire Althusser (FR/EN)

Nick Grant Misrepresenting revolution: Art at the Royal Academy

Anastasia Gromova/Анастасия Громова Октябрь оценили в США. Чем грозят обвинения?

Bishnupriya Gupta on what the policy of "catching up and overtaking" the West cost the Soviet Union

Asad Haider What does dictatorship of the proletariat mean?

Serge Halimi Le siècle de Lenin, or on how 20th Century Russia has shaped the globe (FR/EN)

Michael Hardt Reclaim the commom in communism: or fight over the concepts instead of abandoning them

Malcoln Harris Papers and Tigers: Was Lenin an Anarchist?

Thomas Harrison The Bolshevik Revolution: Glorious Harbinger of a New Society

Thomas Harrison The Tragic Fate of Workers’ Russia

Owen Hatherley After the End of the World: Re-reading the Russian Revolution

Mike Haynes 1917: Violence and Revolution

Eric Hobsbawm Out of the Great Dark Whale: on Orlando Figes' A People’s Tragedy

Carlos Illades La revolución rusa en la prensa mexicana

Il Manifesto La Rivoluzione

International Print Center New York Russian Revolution: A contested legacy

La Izquierda Diario ( La Rosa Roja, una biografía gráfica de Rosa Luxemburg

Jacobin Magazine The First Red Century (A dossier)
Ron Jacobs One Hundred Years That Shook the World, or how China Miéville steps up for John Reed

Fredric Jameson On Utopia

Ilya Jarlamov/Илья Харламов 1917-2017: сто лет реальной истории, которую нельзя переписать

Diana Johnstone The Western Left and the Russian Revolution

Eileeen Jones Seventeen Soviet Films

Yulia Kantor con Andrey Mozzhujin/Юлия Кантор с Андреем Мозжухиным Ночь красных вождей (RU/FR/SP)

Daniel Kent Carrasco Los soviets y Mahatma. India (1917-2017)

​Razmig Keucheyan with Tasos Tsakiroglou Contemporary Critical Theory: The Common Thread of Pessimism 

Boris Kolonitskiy with Nikita Zholkver/Борис Колоницкий Почему Путин Ленина не любит

Primož Krašovec on (Yugo)nostalgia or the politics of historical memory

Tamás Kráusz One hundred years, one hundred messages

Stathis Kouvélakis avec Sebastian Budgen La révolution: une et indivisible

Dan La Botz with Suzi Weissman The Russian Revolution, Soviets, and Socialist Democracy

La conferenza di Roma sul comunismo/The Rome Conference on Communism

Anna "Asya" Latsis (Anna “Asja” Lācis) y Walter Benjamin Signals from Another World

Daniel Lazare Constituent assemblies yesterday and today

Paul Le Blanc How is Leninism relevant today?

Paul Le Blanc Russian revolutions: readings and connotations

Paul Le Blanc The October Revolution: lessons and legacy

Iván Félixovich León Zhukovskii con Xenia Rebola  Estalinismos 

Lettera 43 Rivoluzione d'ottobre, perché Putin ha snobbato il centenario

Lars T. Lih From February to October

Lars T. Lih The Lies We Tell About Lenin

Lars T. Lih Trotsky 1917 vs. Trotsky 1924/Trotsky 1917 vs Trotsky 1924 (EN/SP)

Lars T. Lih Questioning October

Masha Lipman Why Putin Won’t Be Marking the Hundredth Anniversary of the Bolshevik Revolution

L'Humanité Chronologie illustrée de la Révolution d’octobre

Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung Revolutionsjahr 1917 (DOSSIER)

Jeff Mackler Why the Bolshevik revolution is still relevant to us?

Artemy Magun Communism that is and communism to be (A Talk)

Artemy Magum Harsh, but plastic, constantly preparing its own downfall 

Artem Magun On Revolution and on the revolution that has not yet happened

Artem Magun The Left, or on why the Left should remain faithful to its name

Artemy Magun The post-communist revolution in Russia and the genesis of representative democracy

John Marot The Real Lenin

Josefina L. Martínez Rosa Luxemburg y la Revolución de Octubre

Paul Mason on how a century after the Russian revolution of 2017 historical illiteracy may be our downfall

Tracy McDonald Class and revolution on the shop floor

Louis Menand Marx yesterday, Marx today/Marx, ayer y hoy (EN/SP)

Catherine Merridale on why Vladimir Putin wants to ignore the centenary of the Bolshevik revolution

China Miéville Epilogue to a Revolution: An excerpt from October: The Story of the Russian Revolution

China Miéville on why with the hesitation to answer why the October revolution matters comes a yearning

China Miéville with Verso Things were different once, things could be different again

Salar Mohandesi All Tomorrow's Parties: A Reply to Critics

Salar Mohandesi Is State and Revolution still relevant?

Antonio Moscato Ottobre Rosso

Kevin Murphy Assessing Robert Conquest

Kevin Murphy Can we write the history of the Russian Revolution?

Kevin Murphy Conceding the Russian Revolution to liberals

Kevin Murphy From compromise to power: how the Petrograd soviet transformed itself for Revolution

Kevin Murphy y Daniel Gaido Tesis de Abril: dictadura y democracia en el Partido Bolchevique

Kevin Murphy on how women textile workers started the most important strike in world history

Benjamin Nathans Bolshevism's New Believers

Antonio Negri Produzione e riproduzione, rivoluzione e comunismo

Antonio Negri Socialisme = soviets + électricité, or on three Lenin's slogans (FR/EN) 

Antonio Negri The Lenin Question

Aditya Nigam on how Gramsci saw in the Russian revolution a stray from Marx's blueprint

Rodrigo Nunes It Takes Organizers to Make a Revolution, or what we might (still) learn from Lenin

Prabhat Patnaik October and the survival of capitalism: breaking out of today's hegemony

Ignacio Perrotini Hernández Marx adelantado: el volumen II de El Capital  

Evelyne Pieiller Alors l'art se souleva

Rafael Poch con Àngel Ferrero ¿Quiénes dieron al traste con la URSS?

Stefanie Prezioso Antonio Gramsci: From War to Revolution

Alexander Rabinovith Not one, not two, but three revolutions: How the Bolsheviks Won

Sudha Rajagopalan on the historical record of the October Revolution as an exercise in selective memory

Matthieu Renault La révolution décentrée. Deux études sur Lénine

Matthieu Renault Traduire le marxisme dans le monde non-occidental. Lénine contre les populistes

Matthieu Renault avec Félix Boggio Éwanjé-Épée Que faire des postcolonial studies ?

Hélène Richard Quand la révolution doute, or when Lenin went back to the drawing board (FR/EN)

David Riff y Dmitry Vilensky From Communism to Commons? A conversation.

Hipólito Rodríguez Marx inconcluso: el libro II de El Capital

Fernando Rojas El estalinismo a debate

Ana Sofía Rodríguez Everaert Marx y México (La Gaceta del FCE)

John Rose Tony Cliff’s Lenin and the Russian Revolution

Jeffrey Rossman Strikes against Stalin in 1930s Russia 

Katrin Rothe on how artists experienced the moment the Bolsheviks stormed history

Paul Rouhan The Red Wedge: art and politics in revolutionary Russia (1)

Joshua Rubenstein Roots, and books, of Revolution

James Ryan Uplifting, inspiring, tragic, horrific... Does it matter any more?

Vicent Sanz Rozalén y Steven Forti La reverberación rusa

Karl Schlögel The Russian Revolution's lessons for modern Russia

Yan Schwartz/Ян Шварц 100 лет Октября: Какую правду о Ленине от нас скрывают

Lucien Sève avec Jérôme Skalski L'audace qui revient

Andrey Sidorchik/Андрей Сидорчик Октябрьская революция глазами Джона Рида

Anton Simachkov/Антон Симачков В России так и не определились с оценками Октября

Dilip Simeon The Boshevik Heritage

Sputnik Октябрьская революция в архивных фотографиях

Alexey Stefanov/Алексей Стефанов Революция-100: неудобный юбилей в странах бывшего СССР

Bhaskar Sunkara with Jonah Birch Lessons from the First Red Century

Bhaskar Sunkara Socialism Won’t Be Built in a Day

Bhaskar Sunkara The Few Who Won

TASS / ТАСС Октябрьский переворот. Почасовой репортаж из революционной столицы

The Anhtill 18 (A podcast from The Conversation UK) Revisiting the Russian Revolution

The Charnel-House On Philip Cunliffe's Lenin Lives! Reimagining the Russian Revolution, 1917-2017 

Claire Thouvenot La construction du quotidien

Oxana Timofeeva Until we become ourselves Communisms’ afterlife

Enzo Traverso Um balanço crítico da obra de Hobsbawn

Marcel van der Linden Why Leninism and Bolshevism Are Not the Same
Hari Vasudevan on why to acknowledge the Russian Revolution for what it was is a difficult exercise

Verso Communism, A New Beginning? The New York Conference (October 2011)

Verso Books The Russian Revolution: A Verso Reading List

Paolo Virno with Alexey Penzin The Soviets of the Multitude: On Collectivity and Collective Work

Suzi Weissman One Hundred Years since October

World Socialist Web Site From the archives of the Revolution

Grigory Zinoviev Lenin in Russia (EN/SP)

Slavoj Žižek Lenin 2017: Remembering, Repeating and Working Through (An excerpt)

Slavoj Žižek Revolution must strike twice, or on Hélène Carrère d'Encausse's Lénine  

Slavoj Žižek Seize the Day: Lenin’s Legacy

Slavoj Zizek with Oxana Timofeeva All we can be certain of: the present cannot reproduce itself indefinitely

Mikhail Zygar How the Russian Revolution became taboo in Russia

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