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Sitio pobre en construcción permanente
En línea desde el 11 de abril de 2016
Patrias. Actos y Letras is a digital imprint of Communis
Año VI / Vol. 24 / enero a marzo de 2022
Cincuenta, cien octubres
Amos Chaple y Matt Fidler Russian revolutions in images: what has changed, what has endured
Paul Mason on how a century after the Russian revolution of 2017 historical illiteracy may be our downfall
Catherine Merridale on why Vladimir Putin wants to ignore the centenary of the Bolshevik revolution
China Miéville on why with the hesitation to answer why the October revolution matters comes a yearning
Korine Amacher Au nom du peuple ou avec le peuple ?
Korine Amacher Fêter une révolution sans donner des idées, or on getting cool about Revolutionary ardour
Nicolas Fornet Priorité à l'éducation des masses, or
Bishnupriya Gupta on what the policy of "catching up and overtaking" the West meant to and for the Soviet Union
Serge Halimi Le siècle de Lenin, or
Gabriel Gorodetsky Diplomatie, de l'idéologie au réalisme, or
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